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Thursday, 31 October 2013

The XML Language

Howdy! What a pleasent today. Aside from this day being an election day for IIUM Kuantan next SRC Lineup, I would like to post an introduce to all of you a little bit about XML. From reading this post, perhaps; we could answer several questions like what is XML? How can XML be used? What is its syntax, elements, attributes and validation.

A Brief Introduction to XML

What is XML? Just as how HTML actually means HyperText Markup Language, XML means Extensible Markup Language. Both HTML and XML are markup language and they are much alike, but they aren't the same. One obvious different between HTML and XML is tag, HTML has a predefined tags while XML doesn't. Even though both of them are markup languages, XML isn't a replacement for HTML.

Differences between HTML and XML

  • HTML tags are predefined, while XML tags are not predefined.
  • XML focuses on what data is, it is designed to store and transport data, while HTML is more on layout and interface with focus on displaying the data.
  • HTML is about displaying information, while XML is about carrying information

XML doesn't do anything, it itself is just a plain text

The sole reasons why XML was created was to structure, store, and transport information..

Following are one example of XML taken from

What does it mean by plain text? By plain text, it means that it is nothing special, it's just the same with what we write in our notepad, which means, software which could handle plain text document will always occur to support XML. Though, XML tags could be handled specially if the software is XML-aware. The nature of the application will determine the functional meaning of the XML tags.


This section is based on the example below, note from Jani to Tove.

<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

We told just now that XML's tags, unlike the HTML's tag, are not predefined. It means that the tags are our invention, we could invent our own tags when we use XML. There is, perhaps; no XML standard which define general tags. e.g. <to> and <from> from the example aren't defined by any XML standard, and could be interchanged without any problem facing the content.


<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

XML Tag are case sensitive

  • XML elements are defined with XML non-predefined tags
  • The tags are case sensitive
  • In XML, <letter> is not the same with <Letter>, while in HTML it is the same.
  • Opening and closing tags should be written with the same case
    • <Message>...</message> is incorrect
    • <message> ...</message> is correct

So if XML is not a replacement for HTML, what is XML?

XML is not HTML, but XML is complement to HTML, which means that XML is used to interoperate with HTML, with XML functioning to transport data, and HTML functioning to display the data.

XML carries data without ever having specific dependence with hardware and software

XML Syntax Rules

  • All XML must have closing tag
    • "<message>...</message>" this is correct
    • "<message>...  " this is incorrect
  • In XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag
  • XML Elements must be nested
    • <i><o>...</o></i> this is correct
    • <i><o>...</i></o> this is incorrect
  • XML Elements must contain parent/root element
    • e.g.
  • XML attributes must be quoted


Hi everyone...I'm hoped that you all are in good health now so that we can face this beautiful with our brightest smile...And don't forget to be greatful to Allah SWT because of His Will we all can smile today :)

OK...Let's get started...Today I want to share about ChemSketch...Do you guys know what is ChemSketch? -ChemSketch is a software  for quick and easy drawing molecules, reactions, schematic diagrams and designing other chemistry-related. So, this software can make our jobs easier and systematic. We also can produce professional looking structures and diagrams for reports and publications.

Among the features in this chemsketch software is:-
  • Draw and view structures in 2D, or render in 3D to view from any angle
  • Draw reactions and reaction schemes, and calculate reactant quantities
  • Generate structures from InChI and SMILES strings
  • Generate IUPAC systematic names for molecules of up to 50 atoms and 3 ring structures
  • Predict logP for individual structures
  • Search for structures in the built-in dictionary of over 165,000 systematic, trivial, and trade names.
This software is awesome right...I did not realize that software like this exist in this world until my beloved lecturer, Madam Haslinda, introduce us about this, if you guys want to download this software you can click here.

Now I will show you how the software looks like. And I will show you what this software can do.

Blank Page

We can make graph

We can draw apparatus

We can make chemical structure

3D Structure

This is great. This software can make many more amazing things.
Now I will give you guys a brief information about the small button that located on top of the page:

Type Code
         C- Carbon
H- Hydrogen
N- Nitrogen
O- Oxygen
F- Fluorine
Na- Sodium
Si- Silicon
P- Phosphorus
S- Sulphur
Cl- Chlorine
K- Potassium
Br- Bromine
I- Iodine
       1   2    3

2- Rotate/Resize
3- 3D Rotation

  1. Benzene
  2. Cyclohexane
  3. Cyclopentane
  4. t-Butyl
  5. i-Propyl
  6. Acetyl
  7. Caboxyl
  8. Benzoyl
  9. Nitro
  10. Acetoxy
  11. Sulfo
  12. Phosphono
        1    2    3

  1. Draw Normal
  2. Draw Continuous
  3. Draw Chain
      1    2    3   4

  1. Up Stereo Bonds
  2. Down Stereo Bons
  3. Coordinating Bonds
  4. Undefined Stereo Bonds

Lasso On/Off
          1    2
  1. Flip Top to Bottom
  2. Flip Left to Right

Periodic Table

I hope this info could help you to understand more about this software. I will give you the way to understand chemsketch better. Try do it yourself. Make this as a challenge for us. There is no victory without efforts. Bye2..



Assalamualaikum everyone..:) in this peacful day, i would like to share what i had learn about SMILES in my last computer class.

Actually, SMILES stand for simplified molecular input line entry specification. This SMILES is a specification for unambiguously describing the structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII strings. And the SMILES string can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into two-dimensional drawings or three-dimensional models of the molecules. The original SMILES specification was developed by Arthur Weininger and David Weininger in the late 1980s. This SMILES was:-
  • Widely used AND computationally efficient
  • Uses atomic symbols and a set of intuitive rules
  • Uses hydrogen-suppressed molecular graphs (HSMG)
More information visit here.

We know that some molecule have it isomer, then there is term Isomeric SMILE Srefers to the version of the SMILES specification that includes extensions to support the specification of isotopes, chirality, and configuration about double bonds. (A notable feature of these rules is that they allow rigorous partial specification of chirality.)


  • String SMILES can be obtained  by printing the symbol nodes encountered in a depth-first tree traversal of a chemical graph in terms of a graph-based computational procedure, 
  • The chemical graph is first trimmed to remove hydrogen atoms and cycles are broken to turn it into a spanning tree
  • Where cycles have been broken, numeric suffix lables are included to indicate the connected nodes
  • Points of branching on the tree can be indicated by using parentheses


Type Symbol


Catagories Name Example
Other Atoms
Hydroxyl anion
Ammonium cation

SMILES Cyclic Structures

  • Break one single or one aromatic bond in each ring
  • Number in any order
    • Designate ring-breaking atoms by the same digit following the atomic symbol
  • Numbers indicate start and stop of ring
  • Same number indicates start and end of the ring, entered immediately following the start/end atoms
  • Only numbers 1 –9 are used
  • A number should appear only twice
  • Atom can be associated w. 2 consecutive numbers 
    • Ex: Napthalene: c12ccccc1cccc2

SMILES Conventions

  1. Avoid two consecutive left parentheses if possible
  2. Strive for the fewest number of possible branches
  3. Tautomeric bonds are not designated; enter the appropriate form
  4. A branch cannot begin a SMILES notation
  5. A branch cannot immediately follow a double-or triple-bond symbol
  6. Example: C=(CC)C is invalid, but C(=CC)C or C(CC)=C are valid SMILES

SMILES Fragments

Sulfonic acid

Example SMILES Metals

[Al]   [As]   [Au]  [Be]
[Bi]   [Cd]   [Ca]  [Fe]
[Hg]  [K]    [Li]    [Mg]
[Na]  [Ni]   [Pt]    [Sb]
[Sn]   [Zn]   [Zr]

Disconnected Structures

  • Tetramethyl ammonium bromide
Example: C[N+]C(C)C.[Br-]

Isomeric and Chiral SMILES

  • Isomeric configuration indicated by forward and backward slashes: / \
  • Examples:
    • trans-1,2-dibromoethene: Br/C=C/Br
    • cis-1,2-dibromoethene: Br/C=C\Br

Chirality indicated by the “@” symbol

Monday, 7 October 2013


Assalamualaikum... Nowadays, internet is part of life because we can get access on everything from the internet. Internet make our life easier but there are only certain people that concern about internet growth and history. So today we will talk about internet growth and history.

The first invention that had been created was telegraph. The creator who got the idea to invent this cool stuff is Baron Pavel L'vovitch Schilling, also known as Pavel Schilling. The telegraph was invented in 1840s then this telegraph was used extensively by the U.S. Government during the American Civil War, 1861 - 1865. The telegraph used morse code consisted of dots, dashes, short and long signal.

So up until now, we haven't yet define what is it exactly an Internet. Then what is its definition? The Internet.

The internet is a network of networks, joining many computers together and providing an infrastructure for the use of E-mail, bulletin boards, file archives, hypertext documents, databases and other computational resources.

Characteristics of the Internet?

 The largest network of networks in the world
 Uses TCP/IP protocols and packet switching
 Runs on any communications substrate

Brief history of the internet

 1968 - DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
contracts with BBN (Bolt, Beranek & Newman) to create ARPAnet
 1970 - First five nodes:

  • UCLA
  • Stanford
  • UC Santa Barbara
  • U of Utah, and
  • BBN

 1974 - TCP specification by Vint Cerf
 1984 – On January 1, the Internet with its 1000 hosts
converts en masse to using TCP/IP for its messaging

Evolution of the Internet

Year Achievement
1945 Memex Conceived
1948 A Mathematical Theory of Communication
1958 Silicon Chip
1962 First Vast Computer Network Envisioned
1964 Packet Switching Invented
1965 Hypertext Invented
1972 TCP/IP Created
1984 Internet Named and Goes TCP/IP
1989 WWW Created
1993 Mosaic Created
1995 Age of e-Commerce Begin

click to enlarge

for an interactive view on the evolution of the web, click here

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Protein Data Bank

A little introduction

Protein Data Bank is a storage site for information and 3d images of biological proteins related macromolecule. It is worldwide, and shared among students and researchers, uploaded into the site and downloadable. One of the site is RCSB Protein Data Bank. The downloaded macromolecules images are opened by using a software like RasWIN, we could get the software from here.

Samples of 5 proteins


"Repressor LexA or LexA is a repressor enzyme (EC that represses SOS response genes coding for DNA polymerases required for repairing DNA damage. LexA is intimately linked to RecA in the biochemical cycle of DNA damage and repair. RecA binds to DNA-bound LexA causing LexA to cleave itself in a process called autoproteolysis." -


"LexA repressor undergoes a self-cleavage reaction. In vivo, this reaction requires an activated form of RecA, but it occurs spontaneously in vitro at high pH. Accordingly, LexA must ...  " Click For More

Type Code
Polymer 1 | Type: Protein | Length: 202
Chain A, B
Mutation G85D
Organism Escheria coli
Gene Name lexA exrA spr tsl umuA b4043 JW4003
UnitProtKB Protein Feature View | Search PDB | P0A7C2

For more information, visit


"Trypsin (EC is a serine protease found in the digestive system of many vertebrates, where it hydrolyses proteins. Trypsin is produced in the pancreas as the inactive proenzyme trypsinogen. Trypsin cleaves peptide chains mainly at the carboxyl side of the amino acids lysine or arginine, except when either is followed by proline. It is used for numerous biotechnological processes. The process is commonly referred to as trypsin proteolysis or trypsinisation, and proteins that have been digested/treated with trypsin are said to have been trypsinized." -


Type Code
Molecule Trypsin
Polymer 1 | Type: Protein | Length: 223
Chain A
Mutation N/A
Organism Bos Taurus
Gene Name N/A
UnitProtKB Protein Feature View | Search PDB | P00760

For more information, visit


Crystal Structure of DegP (HtrA)

"Molecular chaperones and proteases monitor the folded state of other proteins. In addition to recognizing non-native conformations, these quality control factors distinguish ... " Click for more

Type Code
Polymer 1 | Type: Protein | Length: 448
Chain A, B
Mutation S210A
Organism Escherichia Coli
Gene Name degP htrA ptd b0161 JW0157
UnitProtKB Protein Feature View | Search PDB | P0C0V0

For more information, visit


"Pepsin (from the Greek πέψη, pepsi, meaning digestion) is an enzyme whose zymogen (pepsinogen) is released by the chief cells in the stomach and that degrades food proteins into peptides. It was discovered in 1836 by Theodor Schwann who also coined its name from the Greek word pepsis, meaning digestion (peptein: to digest). It was the first enzyme to be discovered, and, in 1929, it became one of the first enzymes to be crystallized, by John H. Northrop. Pepsin is a digestive protease, a member of the aspartate protease family." - Wikipedia


"The three-dimensional structures of pepsin inhibitor-3 (PI-3) from Ascaris suum and of the complex between PI-3 and porcine pepsin at 1. 75 A and 2.45 A resolution, respectively, have revealed ... " Click for more

Type Code
Polymer 1 | Type: Protein | Length: 149
Chain A
Mutation N/A
Organism Ascaris Suum
Gene Name N/A
UnitProtKB Protein Feature View | Search PDB | P19400

For more information, visit


"Amylase /ˈæmɪleɪz/ is an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugars. Amylase is present in the saliva of humans and some other mammals, where it begins the chemical process of digestion. Foods that contain much starch but little sugar, such as rice and potato, taste slightly sweet as they are chewed because amylase turns some of their starch into sugar in the mouth. The pancreas also makes amylase (alpha amylase) to hydrolyse dietary starch into disaccharides and trisaccharides which are converted by other enzymes to glucose to supply the body with energy. Plants and some bacteria also produce amylase. As diastase, amylase was the first enzyme to be discovered and isolated (by Anselme Payen in 1833). Specific amylase proteins are designated by different Greek letters. All amylases are glycoside hydrolases and act on α-1,4-glycosidic bonds." - Wikipedia


"Salivary alpha-amylase, a major component of human saliva, plays a role in the initial digestion of starch and may be involved in the colonization of bacteria involved ..." Click for more

Type Code
Molecule AMYLASE
Polymer 1 | Type: Protein | Length: 496
Chain A
Mutation 1
Organism Homo Sapiens
UnitProtKB Protein Feature View | Search PDB | P04745